
KfW Capital has introduced a confidential whistle-blower system. This system is rolled out for all companies of the KfW Group.

The whistle-blower system will enable suspected compliance breaches to be forwarded and received in confidence, i.e. criminal activities as well as breaches of the German Securities Institutions Act (​Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz, WpIG) or similar irregularities.

Key feature of the whistle-blower system is the appointment of a neutral ombudsperson. Whistle-blowers can contact the ombudsperson in confidence, in case of a suspicion. The ombudsperson will receive the confidential information on suspicious circumstances. Information with a direct reference to KfW Capital will be forwarded to compliance department of KfW Capital (in nonymized form, if applicable). This will enable KfW Capital to pursue such information resolutely. The KfW Group has appointed the lawyer Arndt Brillinger (law firm Brillinger Law in Karlsruhe) as ombudsperson for all KfW Group companies.

Contractual regulations guarantee that the name and identity of whistle-blower will remain secret. The identity of the whistle-blower will only be revealed to the compliance department of KfW Capital by wish and express consent of the person in question.

Ombudsperson contact details

Arndt Brillinger

Born in 1956 in Stuttgart, married.
Practising at the law firm Brillinger RechtsAnwälte since 2009.
Ombudsman, including compliance ombudsman for various companies and institutions.

Tel.: +49 (0)721-915465-68
Fax: +49 (0)721-915465-80


  • The ombudsperson is not an arbitration board for disagreements between third-parties with KfW Capital or any other companies of the KfW Group.
  • The ombudsperson is not a point of contact for complaints which are not related to suspected criminal activity. For complaints such as this, please contact: (Email: )